Thursday, September 5

bravery, this is the quiet bravery which makes Britain Great Britain.


Here’s the group of our volunteers holding their certificates and the staff members & trustees. Every year, we celebrate the awesome contribution they do. And at the back is the Lord Mayor of Hillingdon, who very kindly agreed to felicitate the volunteers.

Each of them have worked with a family with young children in distress over months and in some cases over years. They have recovered the family in distress, helping them over issues ranging from alcoholism, ill-health, unemployment, mental illness, etc. etc. all on their free time. Despite them having their own families who need them. Amazing. And they volunteer for this. Can you imagine devoting a huge proportion of your week? day in day out, week in week out, knowing that you have to manage your family as well as try to recover another family which is falling apart?

bravery, this is the quiet bravery which makes Britain Great Britain.

A heartfelt thank you.

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