This graphic says it all…HT: Chart Porn.

A daily dose of odds and sods, some interesting, some bizarre, some funny, some thought provoking items which I have stumbled across the web. All to be taken with a grain of daily salt!!
great hat tip there, Amit :)
Check this article out, specially for you guys, on how’s and why’s of fighting with your woman.
And yes, I do read that magazine only for the articles :)
While walking back from work, at my local chemist, I spotted this advertisement which I photographed for posterity.
This totally blew me away and I blogged it at face book saying this:
“This is WTF on so many levels. Not least because of massive confusion between dermatology, geography, language and racism. What the hell is Arabic or Asian skin?”
I got some really interesting comments and the heartfelt fulminations such as:
My brother in law, Sameer Bhargava, sent me this link to a You Tube Video:
This is horrible, to see these morons all gallivanting around trying to get fair. I knew about this phenomena in India but Arabic? So it proves from this story about how Palestinian women are also busy slathering this gunk on their faces to become whiter. I quote:
“I admit it. I want to change my complexion,” Ms. Suleiman, a sociology student at Al-Quds Open University, explains with a sheepish smile. She and a classmate sport Islamic head scarves and a significant coat of makeup, also aimed at a lighter-skinned appearance. “Palestinian men like brunettes,” she says, “but they want light skin.”
The article also quotes another writer:
“Lebanese standards of beauty and complexion have taken the Arab world by storm since the resurgence of the Lebanese in media ... further limiting the accepted definition of beauty as light-skinned, catty-eyed and slim-nosed. Fair & Lovely, a popular whitening cream, advertises itself on Arabic TV when a model is rejected for being too dark, only to be ecstatically accepted after a few weeks of applying the magic cream.”
This seems to be a pretty normal problem with Arab teenagers. Here’s a very good article on how an Arab American Lebanese teenager felt while growing up and the impact on skin colour. Strongly suggest readers read these 4-5 pages. While I can understand the background to this, this wanting to fit in with the white Americans does not apply to people in say Palestine. For them, it must be because of attainment hero’s and heroines such as Ms. Wehebe which they see on TV and want to become like that. How about sending Ms. Naomi Cambell to the TV studios?
And while researching this topic, found that Wikipedia had a full fledged entry on skin whitening. Reading the variety of crud that goes into these cosmetics is simply horrifying. And to think that people slop mercury and acids on their skin, these film stars push these products and the stupid girls get taken in by this. Plus there are 1.6 million hits on “skin whitening” not counting the hits for other terms that Google helpfully suggests:
skin lightening pills
skin lightening tips
natural skin lightening
skin lightening cream
proactiv skin lightening lotion
skin bleaching
So nice. When women use this crud, this photograph shows what can happen as written in a Tanzanian site:
Talking about Africa, my friend, Vikram Doctor (who btw has a planet sized brain with the most amazing stories), told me about the Aparthied Museum in Jo’burg. This museum was made by this family who made millions by selling creams to South Africans who would want to pass as whites for obvious reasons. I have not seen this museum, but the next time I am out there, i will definitely go check it out.
This syndrome seems to be all over the damn world. Here’s an article on the skin lightening market in Japan, use in Senegal, Nigeria, South Africa, China / Hong Kong, etc.. The same kind of feeling was in China as well, where women would prefer to be foot bounded and very pale skin to show that they are rich enough not to work in the fields and presumably get tanned.
But while there have been tons of medical articles, I was simply unable to find solid well researched academic articles from the sociology, anthropology, history, psychology or other areas which could shed more light on this issue. Why would this be the case? I immediately jumped to the conspiracy theory that its the cosmetic and pharmacy industry which stops this research from happening. But surely this isn't the case. While, for example, the NHS does state clearly that this kind of skin lightening stuff should not be used, why isn't there more research on this?
There are also tons of legal judgements. In other words, people are buying this stuff enough to make economic sense out of counterfeiting them. If there was not enough demand, then you counterfeit this stuff, would you? So this also goes to show that the creams and potions are sold at an absurdly high price.
And all this while, we have this crap showing on TV, in our films, in our songs and even casually walking up and down the high streets. Disgusting.
I had written earlier about how the concept of Jihad took a wrong turn towards “bad” things primarily based upon the writings of Ibn Taymiyya. So it was pretty much expected that I get to hear from one of the great Muslim leaders that Ibn Taymiyya was not really a big fella and he wasnt really important. Well, I am constantly surprised on how little so many leaders know about their own history. But anyway, go read the wiki entry on him. The chap was seriously amazing, wrote a huge amount. Here are couple of eulogising sites and here. And for those who think Taymiyya is not a big fella, many people have said that the only other person for whom so much has been written about is Mohammad himself.
But curiously, did you know that Ibn Battuta, the famous Muslim explorer, thought that Taymiyya had a screw loose? He literally said that “Ibn Taymiyya has a screw loose or has a bee in his bonnet”. As it so happens, Battuta was going around his travels and managed to land up in Damascus in 726/1326 and met this worthy himself and experienced this fella’s behaviour first hand. Check out this paper which talks about this issue. I quote one line from the paper:
“it will be evident, I think, to anyone who reads the sources that al-Dhababi’s opinion of Ibn Taymiyya was justified. Although he was obviously a great and brilliant man whose main virtues were courage, piety, self denial and vast knowledge, he also had the faults which al-Dhahabi named, the chief one being a violent temper (which, admittedly, he learnt to control), intolerance of human imperfection, and stern inflexibility”.
But the author concludes that he wasn't mad, and his statement about him having a screw loose arose more from Taymiyya’s inability to control his temper and constantly creating a public uproar rather than being certifiably mad. So I am afraid if anybody thinks that Taymiyya’s fatwa’s and work can be dismissed just because Ibn Battuta said he had a screw loose, then its not right…he was a reformer, and welcome to Islamic Reform :)
While this cartoon is for USA, you can effectively move it to almost every liberal democracy and find resonances. Notice the link to the “European” scream painting. Europe, of course, is a socialist paradise. I can see this in India and UK anyway..
this is a brilliant map.
Click on the map to get a higher resolution image. Shows where the action is happening and why Pakistan is so crucial. I was reminded of the term “strategic depth” by the Pakistani’s. Now there is a very good reason why the Pakistani’s wanted strategic depth, so that they can withdraw when / if India attacked. But nobody saw it from the other perspective, if a threat appears from Afghanistan, then where does Pakistan go? They cant go into India now, can they? and China isn't willing to deal with Islamic terrorists, they already have their own home grown boys. Not a good map to review.