Now look at where we are. A Spain which is overrun with refugees. The centripetal and fissiparous tendencies inherent in that kingdom are pulling it apart. You can create a country but to create a nation is another matter. For example the UK is a country but we are divided into groups and that's why I'm all for Scotland getting independent. A country is better managed and provides better security and happiness to its citizens when it's a nation. An example is that of USA. It went through a terrible civil war but now it's a nation state.
Second come to religion and treatment of minorities. There is something about religion that makes it and people turn into monsters. Almost without fail. Down history people have been discriminated against due to them believing in different gods. Can you imagine? This article describes what happened in the Middle Ages and those repercussions are still here. Christians are being purged from the Middle East. One of the justifications is what the Christians did in Spain. Heck you don't have to go that far, see what France did to the Roma few years back.
Donald Trump, one of the republican nominees said absolutely foul and rubbish things for Mexicans. Go figure.
But a fascinating historical story here son. Do read this. This will give you loads of insights into what's happening in the world today.
The Royal Edict of Expulsion (1609) and the Last Andalusi Muslims ("Moriscos") of Spain
(via Instapaper)
Historical Background
Following the forcible conversion of the Andalusī Muslims of Granada in 1501 (which I have described elsewhere ), similar edicts of conversion were promulgated that forced the Muslims populations of Castile (1502), Navarre (1515) and the Crown of Aragón (1526) to convert to Christianity, thereby criminalizing Islam as a public religion in the Iberian peninsula for the first time in 800 years. The new population of New Christians, as they were called, were referred to (derogatorily) as Moriscos. The Spanish government as well as the Church and Inquisition threatened any who continued to adhere to Islam—in any shape or form—with the death penalty, which usually meant being burned at the stake.
(Panels showing the Conversion of the Muslims of Granada in 1501, Altar, Royal Chapel, Granada)
Despite this legislation, many (perhaps even most) of these individuals held firm to their former beliefs, practicing dissimulation (taqīyyah)—a practice legitimized by a 1504 fatwa by the Mufti of Oran Ahmad ibn Abī Juma‘a—and adhering in secret to their cultural and religious practices. Those who were discovered were subjected to interrogation and torture by the Inquisition before being executed; at least several thousand individuals were subjected to this over the course of the sixteenth century. Around 1566/1567, additional legislation was introduced that essentially banned many of the cultural practices of the Andalusīs, including their dress, names, traditional festivals, and even dances, while any use of the Arabic language itself, whether written or spoken, was officially criminalized. This coincided with an increasing amount of repression against the Moriscos in Granada, where, along with the Kingdom of Valencia, one of the biggest Andalusī communities in Spain resided. This led to the outbreak, in 1568, of a major rebellion in the Kingdom of Granada which then spread to the Alpujarras mountains and lasted until 1571.