I saw
that video of yours where you were 3 years old and were telling me how you
tidied up your room. You were and are so cute and adorable and I missed you so
much L squish squish.
your special day is coming up and I had a few moments free so decided to send
you a regular special day email J some days early even. Baba is always last in
wishing you guys with a special day wish. Mamma specially is up past midnight
and she regularly wishes all of us happy special day and happy birthday and
Anyway, I
am missing you, so there. But I wanted to talk to you about luck because I read
this fascinating quote, “Luck was really stubbornness married to a knack for
observation, a fluid sense of the truth, a sharp ear for lies, and a deeply
suspicious nature” by Michael Chabon, Moonglow. Luck is a funny thing, Choti.
You may have heard it as “you are lucky” or in the new parlance, you are privileged.
Or check your privilege. Yes, you are born with quite a lot of huge advantages,
Choti. You are born in a developed country. To educated parents. In a good
house. Studying in a good school. With great friends. In a safe locality. With greenery
around. With loads of books. With people with high expectations. with parents
who are married (despite Mamma’s daily threats to kill me). With good food and
nutrition. Without problems much with pollution or environmental disasters. Your
baba tells you dad jokes. With fantastic access to information. With a good
brother (he is a gadha and libre sometimes..but generally is a good brother). You
have good clothes. You have access to great healthcare and orthodontists. You look
absolutely like a lovely young lady and know dancing. You are able to do
athletics. You are a head girl. You are hugely intelligent and smart and hard
working. You have a great future ahead of you. you are loved and cared for. You
have a set of circumstances which to many other people, is being very very
lucky (well, maybe not so much on the Baba jokes) but you get what I mean?
darling, you cannot rely on it and coast on it. You have to build on what you have.
There’s nothing wrong in having the above advantages but it will be a shame if
you don’t build on it. That’s where I loved the quote, it doesn’t talk about
what you have got but what you do with it. So the reason why I liked the
Michael quote was the forward look, the active development of the luck factor.
Its more your personality. Take a look at each of the factors, sweetheart.
Stubbornness. Another word for dedicated. But its more than that. It goes
beyond dedication. It means you are stubborn and keep at it for much longer
than what others may have done and have given up. That’s the key thing, Choti. You
have to be stubborn about a few things. Principles perhaps, a mission, a
vision. A dream, push on and do it. Second element is observation. I have
spoken to you about Einstein’s quote, children and genius’s share one quality,
they are curious. You need to keep looking and observing things. Look at the
skies, look at the quirk of the eyebrow. Look at the earthworm in the ground. Observe
patterns in newspaper articles. Look at data and think about the drum beats in
the songs which you like. Observe. Be curious. Keep asking why, where, who,
when what. As Kipling says,
I KEEP six honest serving-men ![]() Their names are What and Why and When ![]() I send them over land and sea, ![]() But after they have worked for me, ![]() I let them rest from nine till five, ![]() As well as breakfast, lunch, and tea, ![]() But different folk have different views; ![]() She keeps ten million serving-men, ![]() She sends'em abroad on her own affairs, ![]() One million Hows, two million Wheres, ![]() The Elephant's Child |
second stanza is the key, never let them rest. Adults, specially become less
curious. They stop asking questions. Thinking that asking questions makes them
look illiterate. NO! asking questions is how you become curious, darling. You know
shit and stuff.
The next
one is the fluid sense of the truth. Life isn’t black and white and as a
budding historian and classicist, you will know that history or truth is a
mist. Its vague. It depends on who is telling and when. It shifts and turns and
what is accepted truth can no longer be the same. If the truth is that a brown
girl cannot succeed in the corporate or academic or political world, well, its
not true because you can and will overcome it. Never take these so-called truths
on face value, question them, darling. Same one for lies, flip side, question
everything, they are just statements. And the final one is also related, a deeply
suspicious nature. Always query, ask and specially of yourself. Are you taking
yourself for granted? Constantly challenge yourself and prepare yourself. 1
year back you were saying you were rubbish at food. And now? You are making
gourmet Italian pasta meals!. Which is extraordinary and I am so proud of you.
Still debating the turnip thing which you have a very unhealthy fascination
with but…leave that alone J
So when
you are talking about luck, Choti, be this, ask questions and challenge
yourself. Here’s another quote, “Good luck is when opportunity
meets preparation, while bad luck is when lack of preparation meets reality.” –
Eliyahu Goldratt
Anyway, I have banged on too much already, Choti. Have a lovely
day, do call up Didu if you can this week, she has had a bad painful back and
is really suffering at the moment.
Love you and missing you terribly, Choti.
Be well
Your loving Baba.