Happy Special Day Son.
I subscribed to this blog and have been finding
absolute gems of insights in here. Spend today reading the blog in and out and
figured I should share this one with you, which you may find of interest. These
made me blink as many of these were also misconceptions I held and hold. The
one thing which I keep on making a mistake about is to discount knowledge and specialisation.
For example, I keep on going on thinking constantly that investing in IPO’s is a
good idea. I should know better frankly. I have been beset with this
misconception since I was in India and about 20 years old. One would have
figured out something like this in 30 years but no. This surfaced frequently. Most
recently when I saw the primary bid app. So was poking and worrying at it now
for 2 months, remember I told you about it?
And then last week spent some time on investigating
the firms which are being listed and offered for sale on the App. Over the last
2 months, I didn’t see a single investment which was close to being considered
good. And most were flat over months. The issuance discount wasn’t good and the
longer term behaviour was rubbish. Not worthy at all. And then when you look at
some of the sectors, they are in real estate, consumables, etc. which will
struggle over the next few weeks and months. I am not sure if this will be good
at all. So, to avoid creating stress in my life, I have deleted the app and
will continue with my strategy of long term investments via proper advisors in
proper diversified funds. Better that way. J
We did speak about your flat, son, I think you should
spend some time looking at flats. You will need to do that at some point.
Paying rent for so long wouldn’t be good. Remember the mistake I made by
insisting to rent for 3 years till Mamma did the right thing and purchased our
house? Yes you will have an issue with spending time, money and energy but you
should start thinking about getting a good asset. You don’t have to live in it,
you can always rent it off and stay in your current flat, but at least your
rental is offset by your received rent and the mortgage is covered. House
prices are going up and down but you will need a place anyway, so do look at
it, son.
Anyway, this was a good read, son, forced me to
rethink my own conceptions and review. Good to check.
Hope your project is calming down a bit, let me
know when we can speak to today, I am missing you L

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