Remember you laugh at me for talking about hygiene factors? :) Here's some research behind it son. A highly polished pair of shoes. A crisp white shirt. A discreet piece of individuality via the cufflinks. A statement and discreet tie. All helps to buttress your skills and expertise.
I keep on hearing that people in suits work for people in t shirts. Yes. That's right. But people in suits end up earning much more consistently than people in t shirts. So there are pro's and cons to everything. A well cut suited person provides the frame. It's like saying that a painting doesn't need a good frame. Or a book doesn't need a good binding. No it doesn't but if it has it, then the value of the painting goes up hugely. See? Why forego advantages when you can have them?
Have a lovely day son
I saw this on the BBC News App and thought you should see it:
Could wearing a suit harm your career?
Could wearing a suit harm your career?

Could sticking to the traditional suit at work hamper your career?
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