Wednesday, June 10

Happy Special Day April 2020

Good morning Kannu

Happy special day to you. I am missing you and Choti and Mamma, it’s been such a long time that I have been away from you. I know you are now all grown up and will soon move into your flat (btw, did you find out if you can get a rent holiday?) and you will soon form your own life and it has to happen that you will have your own family.

But as I speak to Dadu and Didu every day morning, I see both sides. They are so happy to hear from me and then I can see the happiness in their eyes which is how I feel when I see you. You make me so proud. You are all and more that a father would ever need or want. They are getting on in years. I was teasing Dadu after Didu and I were talking about Ira going to college. She and him were saying that they will be dead and buried by then. He used to say when he was 50 that he is going to die soon and then we will remember him or we will learn some random lesson. And I told him, you have been saying that now for so many decades, you are 86 now, so I think you can well live on for another 15 years till Ira gets into college. He didn’t know how to take it. But given his age, he is really spry, no medical issues, other than the usual squabbles with Didu. Good you two are speaking to them on a weekly basis, son.

It was funny to see the reactions of people who have been working from home, they really hate it. I didn’t have a problem and frankly my productivity has gone by at least by 25%! Huge work being done. I guess once you have worked in London managing global teams – you don’t have an issue for working from home that much. That said, besides productivity, weight is also going up…I am now up to 122 kilos!!! Despite exercising every day and trying to go for long walks when I can, it’s the sitting around snacking which is killing me.

On the longer term, this covid19 will change the operating model for the world hugely. I don’t know what will be the situation for the next 20-25 years. Those will be some of my final business years whilst they will be your first 2 decades at work. So I am thinking around on what I would have said for you and I to think and remember and do?

1.     Keep cash in hand, our investments need to be much better timed and sectors oriented
2.     Family has become even more important. I am so lucky to have Mamma, you and Choti but you will need your own family as well son. The support you get in times of trouble is unbelievable. Not just times of trouble but also day to day. So do think about that. You need to approach it as scientifically as with everything else. Having a partner and kids – don’t rely on luck – that’s too vague and the damage from a bad choice can be too much.
3.     Languages are good son. Spend a bit of time to learn one more language. Chinese might be too tough, but maybe an European language or Hindi – Mamma knows Hindi and speak to her and Choti at home and you will keep picking this up.
4.     I am not sure if an MBA will help at the moment. It is too vague and generalist at the moment. But if you are thinking about future studies, then you have to only go for an Harvard MBA or Stanford or Yale. Just the top 2-3, and yes in the USA. You have coverage and knowledge of Europe and India is in your genes, but you need to spend some quality time in USA to build up your cv, son.
5.     You can also think about a CIMA perhaps? But maybe later. Optional.
6.     Another thing that will help will be to join a charity of some kind. Doesn’t matter which one but it will seriously enrich your life, son. Hugely. The thing is, you are in danger of being in a bubble. You spend your time with some very rich people on the phone and in meetings. Your spare time is with your friends, who are also quite comfortably well off, middle class, in London. So the issue is that you aren’t seeing the down, the poor, the dying, the sick, the distressed. That isn’t right because you run the risk of forming a world view which doesn’t include them. If you want to become a CEO or a Board Member, you need to be connected to more sections and sectors of society. Your decision making powers and capability will be hugely enhanced.

Anyway< I think this is long enough now, son. Have a lovely day, look after the girls

Love you


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