Monday, October 24

My investor personality test

Dear Son

One of the key things to being an investor is to know your own mind and what makes you tick. Its only when you have figured out what you are and what makes you tick, that you can be a better investor. You realise what are your failings and how to protect yourself from mistakes you make because of you. One way is to ask the women in your life (at least for me, the women in my life are ever ready and have a very long list of problems they have with me), another way is to do surveys. Here’s an example of one which I did, try it out here. My results if you wanted to compare, are here:

Investor Personality Test

Very High


Conscientiousness : Very High

Emotionality : Very Low

Extraversion : Very High

Openness : Very High

Agreeableness : High


Confidence Biases

Overconfidence : High

Over-Optimism : High

Risk-taking Biases

Risk Aversion : Very Low

Emotional Vulnerability : Very Low

Cutting winners short : Below Average


Self-discipline : Very High

Immediate Gratification : Below Average

Excitement-seeking : High


Intellectualism : Very High


Trend-following : Very High

Just plonking in one of the detailed reports, rest are boring.


Conscientiousness Factor: Your result is Very High.

  • Conscientiousness describes your relative ability to plan and organize towards achieving goals and to exercise self-control.
  • You scored in the HIGH range for conscientiousness. Intelligent activity involves contemplation of long-range goals, organizing and planning routes to these goals, and persisting toward one's goals in the face of short-lived impulses to the contrary. You can achieve high levels of success through purposeful planning and persistence. You are likely to be positively regarded by others as intelligent and reliable. On the down side, some people may see you as rigid or perfectionistic.


Emotionality Factor: Your result is Very Low.

  • Emotionality is characterized by stress-sensitivity and more frequent experiences of negative emotions than others.
  • You scored in the LOW range on emotionality. You are relatively more calm, emotionally stable, and free from persistent negative feelings when compared to high scorers. Freedom from negative feelings does not mean that you experience more positive feelings. You may be reckless in dangerous situations and take more risks than others (sometimes without knowing that you are doing so). In general you are probably secure, hardy, and relaxed even under stressful conditions.


Extraversion Factor: Your result is Very High.

  • Extraversion is characterized by a desire to socialize and a tendency to optimism. Extraverts derive energy from interactions with others, while introverts' interests are fueled by introspection.
  • You scored in the HIGH range on extraversion. You probably enjoy being with people, are full of energy, and often experience positive emotions. In groups you are likely to talk, assert yourself, and draw attention. In general you are outgoing, active, and joyful.


Openness Factor: Your result is Very High.

  • Openness to new experiences describes a willingness to experiment with tradition, to seek out new experiences, and to think broadly and abstractly.
  • You scored in the HIGH range on openness. You are intellectually curious and tend to be, compared to closed people, more aware of your feelings. You probably tend to think and act in individualistic and nonconforming ways. Open and closed styles of thinking are useful in different environments. An open intellectual style may serve you well as a psychologist, professor or investor. Research has shown that closed thinking is related to superior job performance in police work, sales, service occupations, and short-term trading.


Agreeableness Factor: Your result is High.

  • Agreeableness reflects a concern with cooperation and social harmony.
  • You scored HIGH in the range for Agreeableness. You generally value getting along with others. You are therefore more likely to be considerate, helpful, and willing to compromise. You are also likely to believe that people are basically decent and trustworthy. On the downside, agreeableness can be a handicap when making tough or rapid independent decisions. Agreeableness creates an aura of likability and often leads to popularity, and thus is common among managers.

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