Friday, January 4

World’s largest Porn Collection

Did you know who had this dubious honour? I didn't, its King Farouk of Egypt.

Apparently he was described as a stomach with a head. Then again, once you look back at the list of rulers that Egypt has been blessed over the past couple of centuries after Mohammad Ali, you will find nothing surprising at a country which is ruled by assorted nutters. His descendants were a bunch of dilettantes. Then the British took over and with their customary incompetence and half hearted liberal tyranny, managed to rouse the populace thoroughly. But never let it be said that some people cannot be fooled all the time. Nasser took over and managed to screw up Egypt royally, with misadventures galore with pretty much everybody. After losing big chunks of territory and waging chemical warfare against his fellow Arabs in Yemen, he managed to die, prompting one of the largest funeral processions ever known to mankind. Then Sadat came over and signed a treaty with Israel. <esphoks>. And then Mubarak came in with his kleptocratic views who managed to keep Egypt bumping along till we now have Morsi from the Brotherhood. And the man has a PhD from USA. Why are you surprised? Their flag has the Saladin Eagle on it, the man who managed to impoverish Egypt totally.

Its so sad that its funny.

Incidentally talking about porn and Egyptian Leaders, did you know that the ancient Pharaohs masturbated into the Nile to encourage an abundance of water? I quote:

According to Sex and Society, "even the ebb and flow of the Nile was thought to be caused by Atum's (the god of creation) ejaculation. This concept spurred the Egyptian pharaohs to ritually masturbate into the Nile to ensure an abundance of water."

The ancient Egyptians were so inspired by the act of self-stimulation that at the festival of the god Min, who represented Pharaoh's sexual potency, men masturbated in public.

And to top it all, John pointed me to this news story, you have really reached the pits when even a country like Pakistan doesn't want to be like you.

“He said the Egyptian model of governance cannot be pursued in Pakistan.“If someone thinks that it can be followed, than he is wrong, as it will not work here”, he noted.”

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