Wednesday, August 17

A Terrifying Journey Through the World's Most Dangerous Jungle

This was a difficult read. I'm a family of migrants. Going back several generations. Crossing internal and external boundaries. Burma. Bangladesh. Nepal. India. It's a strange feeling. To read about bangladeshis being in Panama and Columbia. Going through very tough situations. And then can you imagine? Being forced to go back after crossing the ferocious most dangerous jungle? Will kill your spirit :(

A Terrifying Journey Through the World's Most Dangerous Jungle
(via Instapaper)

"Huelo chilingos," the boatman shouts over the drone of an outboard motor. I smell migrants.
I turn around and see nothing but a wall of dark, unruly jungle, then I slump back into the bow of the canoe. Five days we've been out here, waiting for a group of foreigners to appear on this godforsaken smuggler's route in the Darién Gap, and all we have to show for it is sunburn and trench foot. Our search is starting to feel futile.
For centuries the lure of the unknown has attracted explorers, scientists, criminals, and other dubious characters to the Gap, a 10,000-square-mile rectangle of swamp, mountains, and rainforest that spans both sides of the border between Colombia and Panama. Plenty of things here can kill you, from venomous snakes to murderous outlaws who want your money and equipment. We've come to find the most improbable travelers imaginable: migrants who, by choice, are passing through the Darién region from all over the world, in a round-about bid to reach the United States and secure refugee status

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