Monday, August 13

Muslim women caught between would-be liberators and would-be saviours

Muslim Women do indeed have it tough as this article shows. The veil is a strange piece of clothing which we have already explored before in this essay. Very good article showing that women go through.

Me, on the other hand, am rather ambivalent towards this veil business. Sometimes I feel that any woman who is wearing a veil (of whatever kind) is rather silly for having given into some medieval blather about male defined modesty. On the other hand, so what? if it is up to choice, then by all means. Then, usually its the men who impose these definitions, so its wrong. Then we have burqa wearing men who are security risks, and finally, if you are afraid to show your face to me, you are rejecting a basic social and human contract that i have with you that I do not want to have to do anything with you. So dont expect the English public services or any job which requires people contact to have any sympathy. Confusing or what?

Ah! well!, read the article, very good and very moving.

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