Wednesday, March 5

What is the financial valuation of blogs?

Very interesting article here which evaluates the value of a blog:I quote:

Take the Huffington Post. It attracts 1.7m unique users per month a nearly 200% increase over its traffic a year ago according to comScore. That may look modest compared with the 13m readers who flock to the New York Times%u2019 website each month but it's more than half the number visiting the Wall Street Journal's subscription site. The demographics of these users are just as attractive. The Huffington Post's readers make more money than the average internet user and nearly twice as many have gone to graduate school according to rating service Quantcast. And eyeballs aren't the only thing that top blogs are bringing anymore.

So the article says, it is actually not that much, but inflated expectations are still there. Dont purchase the blog itself, but hire the blogger. For the blogger, dont give up your day job!

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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