Wednesday, August 1

Darfur Force agreed by the UN

Hmmm, quite interesting, wouldn't you say? that a 26,000 strong force will be deployed in a region bigger than France? Its too early to comment but this is what i would be thinking about

1. who will provide the troops?
2. Do the troop providing countries know that they are going into a peace enforcement mission and then peace keeping mission in an Arab Islamic Country?
3. Who is going to provide the logistics?
4. How long is the mandate for?
5. What are the rules of engagement if the troops are fired upon?
6. Does or will the mandate ever include capturing the war criminals?
7. What is the role of the OIC and Arab League? what has been done?
8. How is the logistics chain going to work? geographically? from the north or east?
9. How will France be affected? since it is so heavily involved in Chad?
10. What will be the repercussions on Southern Sudan and implications on the peace accord?
11. Will the UN forces be allowed hot pursuit as part of their RoE?
12. Who is going to foot the bill? say 5 year bill for the UN force and also for humanitarian requirements?
13. Given that USA and UK are heavily extended in Iraq and Afghanistan (inclusive of logistical support), and other NATO countries will only provide troops for kitchen duty as long as the kitchen is 2000 miles away from any potential hostile operation, will the force be made up of Arab / Muslim troops?
14. In case the jihadi's decide that the UN intervention in yet another Muslim country (after Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon) is just too much and start suicide bombing (remember loads of suicide bombers and jihadi's have emerged from Sudan), what will be the response of the African Union and United Nations Security Council?

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