Thursday, October 25

Divorce Rising Sharply Among Middle-aged Koreans

Looks like the lack of financial planning is hitting people on the other side of the world but the article is not giving full details. I quote:

The number of divorced people in Korea has exceeded the one million mark, with a big increase in divorces seen in couples in their 40s and 50s. One out of 17 Koreans in that age group is divorced, accounting for over 70 percent (776,041) of the total number of divorcees. That's a 75 percent increase from 2000, when one out of 27 people in their 40s and 50s was divorced (443,166).

"Among the many causes for divorce among those in their 40s and 50s, the biggest one is financial difficulties," said divorce attorney Kim Su-jin. "This is the time when they are most needing money, for their children's education and other things, and they tend to divorce when they have serious money problems."

This is not satisfactory at all, it may well be that the lack of financial planning is forcing rifts between the couple, but surely there has to be more than just this. If one divorces, the financial troubles will multiply, not reduce so since this is very illogical behaviour, I am wondering if there are other reasons. Mind you as the quote goes, "when poverty arrives at the door, love flies out of the window". But worth wondering. Because once this family unit breaks, the load on the state will rise because of increased welfare spending.

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