Thursday, October 25

Old soldiers fade away, what happens to old MP's?

Well, as it so happens, they have trouble getting into new jobs according to this new survey.

I quote:

They found that around half of MPs who did not retire from the Commons voluntarily said it had taken three to six months to find a new job.

Just one fifth said they were able to find work immediately or almost immediately, while one in seven took over a year to find employment.

Two fifths of ex-MPs said they were making less money since they left Parliament, with one fifth earning "about the same".

One third said they were financially better off after losing their seats or standing down.

Just over a quarter of former MPs said they were able to return to the career or employment they had had before entering the House of Commons.

But a third said they were not able to pick up their former careers or jobs.

One survey respondent was quoted as saying: "Many MPs do not appreciate their skills on entering Parliament will not be and are not relevant when they leave."

Hmmm, this is surprising, I am very surprised indeed. One should be able to figure out what they want to do with their own lives. I mean, they are in charge of all our lives, so the fact that they do not know or cant handle their career is slightly worrying. Its like a fortune teller complaining about her bad investments. Sort of doesn't fit, does it?

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