Monday, October 8

How old does a crime need to be before you skip punishment?

The Germans killed 65,000 Hereros in Namibia in 1904, and very many more were cleansed from their lands. See here.

Generally, the colonial powers have escaped paying any kind of compensation to their imperial victims. Because Italy, Germany and Japan were on the receiving end, they were called as bad boys and forced to pony up. But the other colonial powers such as USSR, USA, France, UK, etc. escaped paying compensation or being really held to account. Or even now.

Pretty tragic, no? But here's a prediction, the noose is becoming tighter and tighter around the necks of interventionist powers. Over the next decade or so, it will become progressively more difficult for them to reach out and intervene without legal cover. Otherwise one can really tie up a country in legal difficulties. And do not think it is just USA and UK, you can add China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran and a host of other countries to that list.

Interesting days ahead.

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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