Friday, October 12

Rich men and their toys

The Financial Times of today has a magazine which is called as “How to spend it”. I am not joking. Well, that kind of magazine usually goes straight to the bin, but due to the fact that I found the timing extremely amusing, I flipped through it.

The timing sucks because the financial markets are currently full of great nervousness because of the absolutely horribly Q3 results of the investment banks. There are job losses galore and nobody is being spared. So if you do have a hope of getting a bonus that is great news. Keeping a job itself would be good. So the idea of pitching a magazine which is talking about how to spend your bonus in October 2007 is spectacularly bad timing.

I mean, yes, you can see a series of Swiss chronographs which range from a minimum of £20,000 up to £60,000 but those are for funny money people. I mean, for a chap who grew up on Casio watches, these instruments are at the same level as that of the Apollo modules in the Smithsonian or the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum.

But I wanted to talk about two items which caught my eye, the first was the fact that men’s fragrances are getting so popular and great that power women are actually purchasing men’s perfumes!, just to appear more masculine!, that made me scratch my head for some time before the logic dimly penetrated into the cranium.

The second was an amazing idea. As the story goes, there are no men, there are only boys, there are little boys and big boys. And when you are a really big boy, you buy a jet (as one does). And instead of purchasing a Cessna or a Lear Jet, why don’t you buy a stripped down military jet? Makes perfect sense. The produces jets which are actually made for the military as training jets. But take away the weapons system, remove the hardened avionics and plastic nylon stuff, junk the ejection seat, flight helmet, life jacket, flight suit, ejector seat, etc. etc. put in some leather upholstery, some nice Multi function displays, and you can sit there wearing your Armani suit and not get creased. And just a snip at £1.5 million before tax. Pretty neat, eh?

When I grow up, I want one (the jet, not the perfume!)

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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