Monday, October 8

Parents of primary school student's are increasingly aiming for segregated schooling

This is absolutely gobsmacking. Instead of aiming for a colour blind, race blind society, because of the government's policies, now we have a situation that parents are pushing their kids to join same ethnic / race schools. I already talked about how funding for schools whcih are based on faith is completely wrong, education should be strictly secular. You want to learn about religion, go to the temple, mosque or church, not in the secular state temples.

I quote:
The study shows that the over-concentration of some ethnic groups in state schools cannot be explained by the social make-up of catchment areas alone. Instead, parents are actively choosing to segregate their children from other groups of pupils, sending them to predominately "black" or "Asian" schools.
It will make uncomfortable reading for the Government whose response to the spectre of monocultural playgrounds has been little more than to direct schools to teach about diversity and provide opportunities for children to visit other schools with a different racial and religious make-up.

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

1 comment:

Patinkin, Seth said...

I think there is some information

or google "margie schrader" AND

or google "mark kruzan" AND
"residential entry"

or google "kevin robling" AND