Wednesday, October 31

Madrid Bombers convicted! some thoughts!

Bloody hell, the Madrid Bombers have been convicted now for tens of thousands of years! now that's amazing, but i suppose it was the symbolism rather than the reality that was driving the prosecutors! The alledged ring leader was let loose, bit surprising that!

But look at these guys, they are all smart, intelligent and by the looks of it, quite well educated. They actually went out to commit murder in the name of their religion and ideology. Now why would they want to do it? and what do you suppose the problem is? They say it was because of the involvement of Spanish troops in Iraq and Afghanistan that drove them to kill innocent victims. And the supine and cowardly Spanish government immediately withdrew its troops thereby confirming that terrorism pays. No wonder that country is on its way to disintegration. Here's a forecast, there wont be a Spain left as we know it, in the next 50 years or so. But that's besides the point.

Read and weep and wonder at these terrorists.

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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