Thursday, November 1

You can earn and be a bore even after you are dead

A joke quote went something like this, "an author reserves the distinction of being a bore long after he has died". On the other hand, you can still earn after you are dead according to forbes.

1. Elvis Presley - $49m
2. John Lennon - $44m
3. Charles Schultz (the creator of 'Peanuts') - $35m
4. George Harrison - $22m
5. Albert Einstein - $18m
6. Andy Warhol - $15m
7. Theodor Geisel (America writer and cartoonist) - $13m
8. Tupac Shakur (American artist renowned for rapping and hip-hop) - $9m
9. Marilyn Monroe - $6m
10. James Brown - $5m

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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