Wednesday, June 4

Another sign that the balance is tilting east

Now this is another issue for the west (besides the fact that the east is eating more meat...), more patent filings in China. I quote the impact:


The newfound respect for IP rights in China may be good news for many, but the explosion in applications there also creates a challenge for companies pursuing patents in the U.S. or other countries. A key step for applicants is informing patent examiners about "prior art"—existing inventions often described in other patent applications—and explaining why the patent they are seeking is different. Harold Wegner, a patent attorney and professor in Washington, D.C., noted in an e-mail bulletin, "Huge numbers of Chinese patent applications are becoming prior art upon their publication—and [appear] only in their Chinese version." It may be time for U.S. patent practitioners to bone up on their Mandarin.

The Chinese are still stuck on nationalistic viewpoints over knowledge generation (something akin to Islamic science), but patents are a crucial clutch of sand into the gears of knowledge generation and monetisation. So the sharp rise of China in terms of patents will have a giant impact on the future of the IP based industry. Knowledge centres will move to China (like they already have to India and Israel), and because they have their own very large internal market and a protectionist government, they will have a life of their own. India and Israel had to fall in with what the west and USA said about patent protection because most of their exports are to USA but China can raise 2 fingers (ish) as their internal market itself is big enough to cater for their unique patent system...

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