Tuesday, August 7

The Aparthied Fence, who is keeping whom out?

Now this irony for you. Walls are funny constructs as I have talked before. The Apartheid era fence which separated South Africa from Zimbabwe is still there. But now it stops Zimbabwean refugees from flooding over the boundary into South Africa. Zimbabwe, under the benign rulership of that mad kleptocratic drooling chap, Robert Mugabe, is rapidly turning the breadbasket of Africa into the dust basket. So there is nothing but to escape for the poor Zimbabweans. Now South Africa's leaders love Mugabe, they wont say boo to him. So obviously, the first irony is that all the poor Zimbabweans are heading right into South Africa, thousands a day. Welcome to South Africa and let old comrades of the revolution dance the hula together while the country slowly grinds to a halt.

But what's this? why is the BBC reporting that South Africa is deporting thousands of these poor Zimbabweans back to that hell hole? Besides being a white racist biased imperialistic disgusting drunk media outlet (or Robert Mugabe's words to that effect) all this news is bad and is a vast imperialist plot to destroy the green heaven of Mugabe. Once the white aparthied regime used to deport the blacks, now its the black regime which is doing the same. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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