Monday, August 27

Indians attacked by Neo-Nazi thugs in Germany - the news dies off

We again hear about neo nazi thugs going on a rampage in Germany. This is now sadly familiar and in the home of fascism and nazism, I am personally not surprised at all. Do you remember a book called as Hitler's Willing Executioners? It came across as a shock to the field of holocaust studies. The prevailing idea before this idea was that the holocaust was caused by the National Socialist party, Hitler's strange ideas and the various militaristic units such as the Waffen SS, etc. The mass of common germans, by and large, did not do anything and were innocent. Goldhagen's thesis was that this is not the case, but that this was generically based across the population and the ordinary citizens were quite well and capable of committing genocide as well as that of some ideologically committed party members or military people. There is a pretty good debate over it, but you can see the essence from the comments page on the amazon site.

Going back to Germany, we hear about neo-nazi attacks very frequently, primarily in the eastern part. Out will trot the usual excuses, unemployment, no development, no gainful work, etc. etc. But the core aspect of racism and discrimination will hit the airwaves for some time and then disappear as this story talks about. I am not happy and I am certainly not hopeful that this phenomena will disappear. Whether this be targeting the Indians, the Pakistanis, the Jews, the Muslims, this feeling is going to intensify slowly but surely going forward. The Indians got hit just because they were dark skinned. The Jews for anti-semitism, while the Muslims are getting hit because of Islam and the terrorism aspect.

At end of the day, whatever you might want to think about whether or not the society itself is at fault, the fact remains that anti-semitic and racist attacks are increasing in Europe. And the governments are dithering on what to do. I deliberately posted this news story a week late as I wanted to find out what's the long term solution, but the basic root cause has been forgotten now as usual. Welcome to the second holocaust.

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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