Wednesday, August 29

Your ideological purity check questionnaire

I found this to be absolutely hilarious. This is an ideological purity check questionnaire for the participants at the British University "xxxxx conference". The good professor who wrote this up has been very tongue in cheek and its very humourous indeed. Some examples:

Dear Professor xxx,

Congratulations on your selection to deliver the keynote address at the Biannual Conference for Semi-Quantitative Methods in Socioeconomic Biophysics, which is being held this year at the University of Snoring, in Great Snoring, UK. The decision by colleagues in your field represents a richly deserved vote of confidence in your scientific accomplishments.

Before your invitation can be effected, it must clear the Political Bureau of the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education. It has come to our attention that your home country is on our list of Zionist fascist oppressor states, which requires us to add a few questions to our usual formalities. Please fill out the enclosed questionnaire, and send it back. Specialists at the Congregation for the Doctors of Philosophy will examine your conscience and decide on your fitness to be accepted as an honorary civilised human being.

5. Who is the greatest English-language poet since Shakespeare?
a) T. S. Eliot
b) Ezra Pound
c) Amiri Baraka
d) Writing poetry after Deir Yassin is barbaric

7. What does Israel need to be truly democratic?
a) A queen
b) An Official Secrets Act
c) An empire
d) Baptism


Do read the whole thing, it is worth reading. Hat tip to Judeosphere.

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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