Saturday, October 6

Iraqi Interpreters to be allowed into the UK – Very Good news

Further to my note about the fact that the British Government were refusing to let the Iraqi Interpreters into the country, I am happy to see that the British government has changed its mind and will allow these brave allies into the country. I quote:

Hundreds of interpreters and their families are to be given assistance to leave Iraq, where they live under fear of death squads because they collaborated with British forces. Those wishing to remain in Iraq or relocate to neighbouring countries will be helped to resettle.

We let these foaming morons into the country and let them settle, get indefinite leave to stay and even citizenship. In turn, they are helping our enemies to kill our soldiers and we see them doing this. And we are not able to actually help those who are our friends! Talk about strange behaviour!

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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