Monday, August 24

Proposing that polygamy returns

I did not know that Tunisia (besides Turkey), a Muslim country, had banned polygamy way back in 1957. It is actually quite an interesting social phenomena from two perspectives. The first is obviously from the religious perspective (in Islam, for example). Evidence of a patriarchal society, no doubt. I wonder what they would make of a situation like Draupadi, one of the demi-goddesses in Mahabharat, a mythological Hindu epic, who undertook polyandry, marriage of one woman to multiple husbands. Fall off the planet at the very idea, eh? Anyway, here’s an interesting article about the background of women’s rights in Tunisia.

But there is now a proposal to legalise polygamy again. And just read the comments on that site. I quote another site.

"An increase in the number of unmarried women and in a state of moral degeneration and excessive freedom favouring extra-marital relations," makes it necessary to "authorise polygamy", which is "permitted by Islam" and on which the prophet Mohammed "provided us a good example".

One of the supporters was Samira Laouati, a married woman according to whom the regulations adopted by former President Habib Bourguiba go against the will of Tunisian women. And she believes that the current law encourages moral decline and divorce. In Tunisia last year a record number of 9,127 divorces were recorded compared to 16,000 marriages. Among the main causes of divorce is domestic violence, followed by cultural and social differences. Among the least frequent causes are sterility, handicaps, loss of virginity before marriage, deceit, lack of trust, and jealousy. Abolishing the law that prohibits polygamy, in Laouatìs opinion, would contribute to "fighting against growing trends of arrogant women with too much freedom, who don't respect marriage or any other rules". Polygamy would put them "on the right path".

Interesting arguments, eh? Unfortunately, with the increase in ostensible piety in the world, i am willing to bet that it will get legalised in Tunisia sooner or later.

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