Saturday, September 29

Benefits system 'skewed against couples with children'

More contradictions galore in the welfare society. It is proven that being married is better than being single, married couples provide a better level of life than unmarried couples, a married family is better at raising a kid than an unmarried couple or single parent. Sew for example here, here, here, here, here and here. And so on and so forth.

So if that is indeed the case, then how do you explain this?

Couples with children must work four times harder to stay above the poverty line than a single mother because of the way benefits are weighed towards lone parents

or this?

The research, published next week in the Economic Affairs journal, follows another IEA report showing that couples need to bring in twice the national average income before staying together has a financial advantage. It found parents who earned less than £50,000 a year would be better off splitting up. By living apart a couple with two children under 11 could be £9,000 a year better off.

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