Wednesday, October 17

95 percent of Swedes cheat the welfare system

Now there's a surprise. Sweden is considered to be one of the most fair countries, with the least inequality, the progressive economy and taxation system, the highest rights for children and women, highest in all human development indicators and so on and so forth (well, if not the highest then near the top).

Now we see this report which says that 95% of Swedes abuse the country's public services and benefits system.

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K.M. said...
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K.M. said...

As much as I would like to believe the methodology used in carrying out statistical polls, I have a very hard time believing that 1297 people indeed represent the total population of 9 million+ Swedes, in their actions, thoughts and moral values.

Not to mention factors such as age, social background (yes, immigrants form a very diverse socio-economic pool!) etc.

If there is anything I would take with a BUCKET of salt (piquant or not) it would be the fruits of such studies!!

To the best of my knowledge, I lie in the 5% alluded to in the article. I know of many more who do too. But then the "5%" no longer holds....