Wednesday, October 17

Benazir Bhutto is a crook

Yesterday, I saw Benazir Bhutto on Sky News which was on the telly in the office kitchen. I do not recall any more than the interviewer being very fawning towards her and she talking about how much she is looking forward to going back to Pakistan, the great white hope of democracy. And I use the word "white" deliberately, because this has been stitched up by the great white bawana's in Washington. The American politicians do not care about democracy, of course. They are providing a fig leaf of democracy in the form of Benazir Bhutto to Pakistan, the power will remain in the Army's hand.

Oh! yes, she is corrupt as hell and she has been found so in Switzerland. No political pressure, no nothing, it was a clean and simple case of money laundering. Sky News, and rest of the politicians and media who fawn over her disgustingly, do you know you are speaking to a convicted corrupt thief? She who rips off poor people left right and centre? She at least has the excuse of being corrupt, immoral and a thief for doing what she does. What excuse do you have of not recognising her crimes? Stupidity? Or being a hypocrite? Or being celebrity struck? Or not caring about the poor people in Pakistan?

And this disgusting corrupt thief of a Bhutto who does not even have the decency to respect her father's death at the hands of the Pakistani Army, is happy to go back and put her and her husband's snouts into the public purse. Yes, her father was hanged by the Pakistani Army. She was thrown out of her job by the Pakistani Army. Her husband was imprisoned up for a decade without charges being brought on her. And finally she was thrown out of Pakistan and exiled. And the filthy woman has lost all dignity, honour and self respect and is going back to work with the same Pakistani Army. Spits on you.

I join Ardeshir Cowasjee in this disgust! Read his article and weep!

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

1 comment:

K.M. said...

Strong sentiments. But isn't an honest politician about as common as hens teeth?

Can't be expecting roses to be blooming in a pit of garbage!