Saturday, October 20

Benazir Bhutto - what do people think?

Now you know what I think of Benazir Bhutto, the great white hope of Pakistani Democrach. I was told that I am being way too hard on her.

But here's some examples of what people said, and more importantly, what did people think that others think is important. BBC was asking people what they think of the bomb blast and Benazir. And people wrote in their responses and others voted on the responses.

So it was not just me, my friends, she is a crook and despite her being foisted on Pakistan by the Americans, and being thought of being the only great secular hope, she isn't, she is a crook and be warned!! she will not change her corrupt behaviour at all. Have you ever heard even a single word about apologising for her corruption? nope.

Read and Weep!

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