Wednesday, October 17

More corruption in India

Here we go again. 18,000 police officers fraudently and illegally hired under extremely corrupt circumstances by the outgoing adminstration. And then fired without due process by the new incoming administration. And again more will be hired under equally corrupt circumstances. Uttar Pradesh, a desparately poor state in North India, the most populous state having hundreds of millions of people, suffering from the most appalling environmental degradation, lack of facilities, bad health, disgusting place. Regularly appears on the bottom of every development ranking and top of the all the negative ranking factors.

Now between the outgoing and incoming Chief Ministers of the state, they have made an already pathetic place into a hell hole. These chief ministers are basically thieves and thugs. And do not think that it has anything to do with religion. Both high and low Hindu caste leaders actually belong to the same class, the criminal class. The fact that they have not been arrested is also another sad indictment of the Indian Legal System, but that does not mean that they are not corrupt, they are, they are absolutely the filth, the literal night soil of the country.

But I suppose that's democracy for you, you get the leaders you deserve. But slowly these thieves and goons will have their day in court. If nothing else, mate, you will not enjoy your ill-gotten gains, the world is becoming more and more open, transparent and people are slowly getting less patient with corruption.

But still, read and weep! And may the fleas of 1000 mangy dogs infest these corrupt thieves.

All this to be taken with a grain of piquant salt!!!

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